Coaching vs Therapy: Understanding the Difference

Coaching Gets Results: How the Process Can Help Us Empower Ourselves Through Collaborative Leadership

And Its Translation to the Digital Sphere

Over the past several years, mental wellness has become increasingly recognized as a vital part of our overall health. This has led to a rise in the popularity of the coaching field. Processes that serve to empower have provided lasting results to those who take part in sessions. The translation of the profession to the digital sphere during the Covid-19 pandemic has further informed the surge in demand. Many who have not previously considered a professional coach are beginning to ask, “How can coaching benefit me?”

One way to define the advantages of coaching is to look at where it diverges from therapy. Skilled coaches and therapists both guide toward a greater sense of meaning, however the scope of this meaning is distinct. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” At its core, this means that coaching centers on what lies ahead (whereas therapy centers more heavily on the past). Coaching places value on unlocking sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.

Coaching is a path to increased success – partnering with trained coach can be life-changing. Below are four considerations to make when deciding if coaching is right for you:

Coaching is driven by future goals, action plans, and results.

Feeling confused about next steps in life is a natural occurrence as we approach transition periods. Limiting beliefs and old patterns often contribute to this sense of confusion. Coaching addresses these areas by shining a light on future goals and presenting clear action plans. Through consistent development of and movement toward a vision, results are achieved.

Coaching does not spend considerable time working in the past. This is the job of therapy, where one may make associations regarding their family of origin and experiences of trauma. Those who are feeling regularly depressed or anxious have more to be gained from moving through overwhelm with a therapist prior to seeking a coach.

Coaching empowers clients in good emotional and psychological health.

Good emotional and psychological health looks like having a repertoire of coping skills, being able access a range of emotions, and the absence or management of any serious mental illness. As a coach builds relationship with clients based on external goals, a baseline of internal regulation is a prerequisite. Coaching calls on clients to empower themselves through accessing this regulation as new momentum is unlocked.

Any persistent mental health disturbance is best discussed in therapy rather than coaching. Coaches possess valuable skills, such as encouraging growth and outlining new possibilities. However, it is therapists who carry the proper toolbox for those immobilized by the weight of recurring issues.

Coaching promotes collaborative leadership amongst executives.

Investment in the coaching process stems from an environment of “we” that is fostered by the coach. The insight and ideas of those enrolled is held in high regard. Clients in influential positions are in prime standing to gain from this environment – a recent study displayed that 75% of those taking part in leadership coaching saw the value as considerably greater than the investment.  Improvements were seen in relational skills, self-confidence, self-awareness, and work/life balance.

Coaching differs from traditional therapy here – classic ways of practicing are built on the premise of therapist as expert. Although modern therapies are altering this narrative, a coach will be trained to partner with clients from the beginning. When prior expertise is involved, such as amongst executives, this is particularly true.

Coaching easily translates to digital platforms.

A continuing trend toward digitization has allowed the coaching field to use online platforms to its advantage. In fact, digital coaching goes beyond the territory of what in-person coaching typically provides. It optimizes a personal experience through ability to share resources and content in real time. Flexibility and accessibility are also enhanced, as both client and coach can meet from any location.

Those in suitable mental health may favor digital coaching over therapy occurring in an office setting. Many therapeutic connections are shaped around therapist and client being in the same room, which assists with the challenges of dysregulation. Coaching’s forward-focused perspective reduces the importance of occupying physical space together.

New research is advancing our understanding of the above considerations. A 2020 study conducted in a corporate context found that coaching produced results such as improving employee performance by 39.2%. A 2014 meta-analysis performed between 18 organizations showed that coaching had a large impact on resilience, wellbeing, and attitude. Across the board, coaching has capacity to empower and encourage us to step further into leadership.

A robust grasp of the breadth of coaching, as well as of when therapy is a better fit, aids in choosing the best process. Evaluating readiness for a goal-oriented practice that accommodates migration between the physical and digital spheres is an important pre-cursor to working with a coach. Individual questions about types of coaching and personal style can be addressed in consultations. Setting up these initial meetings is an important step toward finding your best-fit coach, a relationship with the potential to bring about high-level positive transformation.

AI Advisory Group is one of the most supportive executive leadership companies for small and medium size organizations. The information we provide in this article may contain both opinions, facts, statistics, and other source references. You should never make a decision solely based off of the information provided. Please feel free to contact us here for any questions, concerns, or additional information.