PXT Select™

Hire the Best Sales Talent

Backed by Data

Powerful insights to help you identify and develop top sales talent.

PXT Select™ Sales Report

Hire the Right Candidates for Your Sales Roles



As a business owner or hiring manager, you know that hiring bad or mediocre salespeople can be disastrous for an organization. The PXT Select™ Sales Reports provide powerful insights to identify and develop sales talent, creating a rich experience for both salespeople and their employers.

What Is the PXT Select Sales Report?

PXT Select is a unique selection assessment that fills the gap between the resume and the interview.

PXT Select drives a suite of reports that can be used in multiple stages of the employee lifecycle.

Its suite of sales-specific reports focuses on an individual’s fit to a specific sales role and their approach to eight critical sales practices, helping you gain insight and confidence in selecting the right salespeople.

The PXT Select Sales Reports help identify an individual's approach to the following eight critical sales practices:



Initiating contact


Building and maintaining relationships


Closing the sale

Working with a team/span>

How Does It Work?

Paired with its job-matching feature, the PXT Select assessment enables organizations to evaluate an individual relative to the
qualities required to perform a job successfully.


PXT Select Sales Report measures the full view of a person, including thinking, behavioral traits, interests, and the candidate’s approach to eight critical sales behaviors.

Thinking Style

Also known as cognitive ability, this is the number one predictor of success on the job. It defines how a person processes information for problem-solving, communication, and learning skills. Learn how a candidate will use and interpret verbal and numeric information to meet the challenges of the role.


This section helps predict motivation and potential satisfaction with a given job. The more their interests align with what the job requires, the more they will enjoy it. This is critical because we know that people who are happier in their jobs are more productive, more effective, and more engaged.

Behavioral Traits

This portion of the assessment measures a person’s key tendencies, preferences, and job behaviors. Learn, for example, if a candidate tends to be cooperative and work within the rules or if they tend to set their direction and act independently.

Approach to Eight Critical Sales Practices

  • Prospecting
  • Initiating contact
  • Building and maintaining relationships
  • Closing the sale
  • Self-starting
  • Resourcefulness
  • Coachability
  • Working with a team

Additional Features

  • Access to Performance Model Library of 100+ models.
  • Not in the library, not a problem. We have multiple methods to help you create the benchmark you need.
  • Multiple reports at no additional cost. You get access to Selection Reports, Individual Reports, and Coaching Reports.
  • PXT Select is available in English, Spanish, and French. IF you need other languages, ask us about our translated version of ProfileXT.

Time to Take


Approximately 60 minutes. No
proctoring or supervising required.


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