Which One do I Need? Coach vs Consultant

Business owners and leaders have a confidence, attitude, and entrepreneurial spirit that drives them toward success. They are inclined toward solving problems that others cannot and are always in search of the best approach.

Owning a business also means managing a number of different areas – marketing, sales, human resources, development, etc. Time constraints can be a roadblock to becoming an expert in everything that is required. Therefore, many innovative leaders hire coaches or consultants to provide specialized support.

There are several considerations to make when hiring a coach or consultant. Thinking critically about business needs and the different benefits of coaches and consultants can help avoid wasted resources. Below are several important tips on the purpose of each profession and how to decide who to hire.

What are the Differences Between a Business Coach and a Consultant?

The lines between coaching and consulting are often blurred in today’s market. When hiring, it is necessary to have a clear definition of each in mind. The best way to know what professional service you may need is to ask yourself who is answering the questions. If it is you, then you may be in need of a coach. If it is someone else, you might need a consultant.  Additional key points include:

Doing With vs. Doing For – A business coach is a guide. They stand alongside leaders and help them grow when they are feeling out of their depth. Direct instruction is limited, whereas in consulting direct instruction is provided often.

Centering Client vs. Centering Professional – A business coach and a client are equals. The coach steps into the role of reciprocal conversation based on the needs and expertise of the business owner. A consultant, on the other hand, provides answers while asking less questions.

Gaining Insight vs. Problem Solving – A business coach helps clients approach possibilities they were not previously able to see. Leaders come up with their own answers based on new insight. Consulting differs in that it diagnoses a problem and prescribes possibilities.

When Should I Hire a Business Coach?

One of the fundamental purposes of a business coach is to ask the right questions. Hiring a business coach is beneficial when challenges requiring leadership growth present themselves. This may occur when the business is growing, when there is a shift in the business, or at any point where a leader is feeling out of their depth.

A business coach engages in a collaborative process rooted in their own business experience. They show up to talk with you about the business. Through hearing current issues, identifying goals, and supporting growth, shifts in a positive direction begin to occur. Difficulties are not fixed; they become surmountable through the new strength with which the business owner is equipped.

The Limits of a Consultant

A common school of thought is to immediately hire a consultant when direct work is needed on the business. Consultants can provide direct solutions that improve a specific area. However, implementing direct solutions without implementing personal growth can cause the solutions to be unsustainable. A business coach helps to optimize time and priorities in ways that guides leaders through strategy execution. Personal growth leads to business growth than can be maintained and expanded upon.

Consulting can also be limiting due to its lack of focus on the business owner as the expert. When the consultant has all the answers, the answers stop as the consultant’s work ends. A business coach creates an environment where answers are continuously being generated. They facilitate insights and perspectives that lead to action on an ongoing basis.

A consultant can be helpful when there are time constraints and outsourcing a specific skill is easier. However, it is important to remain aware that it is coaching that will promote accountability, responsibility, and growth within of the leadership team. 

Where Does Value Come From?

Coaching serves business needs on multiple levels, while consulting is often very limiting in nature. Deciding who to hire involves centering on what will best serve the long-term growth of a business. Coaching develops vision through collaborative conversation and a “with you” attitude. It is a method that continues giving long after the coaches final sessions with business owners and leaders.

If you are looking for a prescribed solution in one specific area, consulting may be the right choice. If you are looking to broaden your abilities, capacity, and insight in order to expand the bounds of your business, coaching is a process that will allow you to do so.

AI Advisory Group is one of the most supportive executive leadership companies for small and medium size organizations. The information we provide in this article may contain both opinions, facts, statistics, and other source references. You should never make a decision solely based off of the information provided. Please feel free to contact us here for any questions, concerns, or additional information.