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Coaching vs Therapy: Understanding the Difference

Coaching Gets Results: How the Process Can Help Us Empower Ourselves Through Collaborative Leadership And Its Translation to the Digital Sphere Over the past several years, mental wellness has become increasingly recognized as a vital part of our overall health. This has led to a rise in the popularity of the coaching field. Processes that serve to empower have provided lasting results to those who…

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Learning Is Hard; Because You’re Not Going to Die if You Don’t

From the time that we can talk, in somewhat complete sentences, we are constantly asking questions about everything. My 5-year-old is great at digging into the why and how, however, my 1-year-old doesn’t talk yet and the few words he does say, leads me to believe that he has learned enough to be able to logically associate curiosity to the proper factual components. When you think about it, that is really all learning is; searching for information until you find enough to be accurate when communicating with others.

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